Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for Initial Application.
This information will help us keep track of our mooring field and dinghy float usage
By default, your information is viewable by other yacht club members only via the Membership Roster menu link.
Click on the committees you might consider serving on (entirely voluntary)
Two sponsors are required for each application. Please list your two sponsors with contact information. Each sponsor will receive a recommendation form to complete and return to the membership committee.
You must have known your sponsors for a minimum of 3 years
Type your name into the text box to sign All owners of boats owned in partnership must be members. The use of Club facilities is not permitted until the Board of Trustees approves this application. Boat length, draft and mooring availability may be a consideration for order of acceptance. Two Club members (Directors or a 5 year Club member) must sponsor each applicant. By signing below, I agree to pay all yearly membership fees and charges as determined by the Board of Directors. I also agree to follow the BHYC Rules, Terms and Conditions, and acknowledge that I have read and understand them (link and checkbox below), or lose my privilege as a member of the Bar Harbor Yacht Club.